Imagine yourself in any conflict or fight, Have you ever had any fight with your pal, peer, boss, management etc ?. How long did it last? A month, week, day or an hour?. But here we are talking about fight and conflict among peers and not countries.
But there was a war, yes, I mean a real war between two countries and not a conflict or fight between two friends. Let me give you some insights about the war and then will share with you it’s insights.
The conflict started on the death of the pro-British Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini on 25th August 1896. After his death, Khalid bin Barghash succeeded to become Sultan but British authorities were in favor of another pro-British person Hamud bin Muhammad. British troops bombarded on Sultan’s palace, approximately 500 casualties/deaths occurred in Sultan’s forces and the war ended.
Countries included in War:
United Kingdom and Zanzibar
War Date:
27th August 1896
Shortest War Time:
38 minutes. Yes, it lasts only 38 minutes. The war started at 09:02, the flag on palace was shot down and ceased fire at 09:40.
This war is also known as Anglo-Zanzibar war.
The post is about shortest war of the world in history but you must be thinking where is Zanzibar and also some insights and facts about it.
Facts about Zanzibar:
- Zanzibar was an East-African country on Indian ocean, now its been a part of Tanzania.
- It was in control of Sultans of Oman since 1698 but declared as independent in 1858.
- Bait al-Ajaib (The house of Wonders) in Zanzibar town, was the first building in East Africa to be provided with electricity.
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